Friday, February 22, 2013

I am looking forward to a great weekend. Hope yours is wonderful also.

Friday, February 15, 2013

 I am giving a photography class to a photography student, Emii Svilich-Indianos, from Dwyer tonight at my WPB studio. She brought her own camera and female model to work with for her school project. She is doing hair and makeup for the model also. Tonight she learned studio lighting as well as shooting in manual, not program. This means she learned how to set speed, aperture, and shutter speed on her camera. It feels good to share years of knowledge.
I will be giving classes in the future. If interested please contact me.
Studio 561.471.3473.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

I will be photographing a client this week that is a pin-up model. Look for upcoming images.