Thursday, January 31, 2013

    If we can make a pair of old jeans and belt look fashionable and artsy,
 just imagine what we can do for you.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

                                     This is an example of an image I created for a client.
                          She said that it would "speak" to many people on so many levels. 
                                     What does it "say" to you?  Please let me know. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

        The first month of 2013 is almost over. I hope everyone has accomplished a few of their goals. However, I know there might be one item that you have not accomplished, having beautiful photographs of you created. If this applies please call Polisena Photography 561.471.3473.  

      Valentine's Day is quickly approaching. If you call us we will apply a $100.00 credit towards the session of your choice. You may have some ideas that you have always wanted to do. Also you might want to view my website  for a variety of different backgrounds, poses, etc. to get more ideas. Please check out the categories, Theme and/or Nudes.  Remember that "You are only Limited by Your Imagination".

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Tomorrow is the beginning

Please watch this site for my blog. It will start tomorrow (Monday). I hope to add an interesting template around it by Thursday.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

        I will be putting up past images of my work as well as new work as I create it. I will also have commentary on some of the images, although as I learned over the last 30 years as a professional photographer.. The image should "speak" for itself. Over the years, in the film days, I would have to bring or mail my printed portfolio book of my images to the various modeling/fashion agencies I worked/wanted to work with around the country. If I was there to hand it to them, I would give it to them and then be quiet as they viewed the images. If they asked something about the location, model, etc. I would then comment. It was basically the image style, look, "feel", etc. that was the deciding factor on my getting the account. This is how I got the opportunity to shoot in Beverly Hills, Chicago, New York City, Atlanta, Palm Beach, Minneapolis, and more. Please check my website WWW.POLISENA.COM and stay tuned here to see more as well as some comments about them.

New Post coming Soon.

So much has happened this last few months to catch up on.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013